
October 28, 2005

Skating on a fall day,,,and Bebbie

Audioblogg on trail skating....... I am on the trail in Snohomish. It is beautiful as I skate through light flashing through the leaves, and leaves falling on the trail in front of me. The wind is invigorating, cool, very pleasant. Nothing else seems to exist at least momentarily, and I am happy for a break in time!
this is an audio post - click to play

Today I am thinking about my Kentucky friend who calls me sherrycoddle and I call her Bebbie, ( about Bebbie
idosyncratic Deb ) because we have decided to be sisters, and I have never had one, so it is so sweet to have sweet names for each other and feel I do have a sister. It is really fun for me, and I don't feel as lonely for a sibling anymore!
So Bebbie, hi! Take care, have a fun halloween..hope you go to a costume party, I wish I were , but I'm not, soo.. you have fun for me, and I will hand candy out to goblins at my door!

I take my kitty to the vet in a few hours, his nose is all stopped up and he feels terrible. Wow, I never had a sick cat before! He must have been sick at the shelter! Poor thing.
I will keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sherrycoddle, the walking path you photographed today looks EXACTLY like a path in my town -- Really, blindfold & spin you around 3 times... set you free, and you wouldn't know whether you are in Snohomish or Kentucky! Well, the trees aren't quite so bare here... we've still got green leaves with a slight stroke of red paint on the leaf-tips... Don't ya just LOVE autumn? It's become my favorite time of year. Love, Bebbie

cmhl said...

I just listened to your audio post, and really enjoyed it!!