
August 17, 2005

Idosyncratic 5's...Debbie

Debbie in Kentucky said...

I sleep alone in a kingsize bed... 5 days on the left, 5 days on the right, then change the sheets.

Putting away dishes & flatware, clean ones always go on the Bottom of the stack.

My goal when driving is to take the shortest distance between Points A and B, and hit the brakes SELDOM as possible. Which leads to #4...

Driving is like shooting pool – you only have to miss by a LITTLE bit! (Passengers enjoy white-knuckle moments with me but hey, that's all in THEIR heads...)

Finally... when I put on shoes & socks I always wonder, "In case of shocking emergency, should I put on both socks first, or one shoe / one sock before dressing my second foot? What’s more functional for running out the door? 50 years, and I still can’t figure this out!"

My five:
Kim tagged me for this...what..I don't have any Idiosyncrasies...well let me think about that...
I am an Aquarian, but my rising sign is Pisces. Therefore I am a brooding type. I worry.
Also as Aquarian, I am flakey, drifting, and in the air, conceptualizing.
I won't pass by a penny. My Grandmother was so thrifty, saving money, pinching pennies. I would feel it bad luck to do that.
I check my e-mail every morning as soon as I get up.
I clean my studio after each use, it is just part of the ceremony of it all, the cleaning and leaving it fit to reenter the next time for the next and different process I will undertake.

I will tag Debbie so that she will start blogging!

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