
June 30, 2006

Dances of Universal Peace, American Falls Idaho

I will post more pics and info later on Dance of Universal Peace in Idaho last weekend on the Snake River....recovering from surgery now!

Dances of Universal Peace find a dance site

Pyhllis, a dear dear sweet woman, and such a stylish dresser!!!
I love love her squaw boots and colors in her dress...hi Phyllis!

Pamela in front resting, and Bakti, Linda and Judy...

Dancing on Sunday under an awning

Phyllis again, under her umbrella with Snake River behind her..

Crete drums and sings:

More dancing on Sunday morning:

Pamela again:

We stayed in tents, and sleeping bags, etc.

The Home of John and Crete on the Snake River, wonderful host's..

We raised Crete's and John's TeePee. About 26 poles, and how many of us? In the hot sun, it was beautiful!


Kim Carney said...

It looks like lots-o-fun

Nimbostratusdweller said...

It was hot! Really Hot!
But beautiful, on he snake river,,, and some really nice folks!!!