
August 07, 2005

Promised Work!

Fushia Bowls

Kim has been after me to do more work, and I finaly got a sink installed outside my studio, so now I really can do my work! here are photos of the studio and some work in progress.
I will fire it and glaze it and recapture it then , wish me luck!


Kim Carney said...

WOW WOW WOW! I am so excited.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I have always LOVED pottery. It’s such feminine thing... downright symbolic of the womb holding sustenance for Life. I don’t have a lot of it, but bought a piece here and there when I attended craft shows with my girlfriends some years ago. Yours is Lovely, Sherry – so glad to see more of your work! I’d like one whole place setting and some serviing dishes, please. Just one you see why I don’t own so much as I’d like.

Alas and alack, Sugarbear and Sugarbaby demolished my favorite pieces recently while the house is in disarray for redecoration (2 stray cats I rescued, who must have the genetics of mountain lions.) While I kept them inside during baby-bird-rearing season, they sprung straight UP atop my fridge, bookcases, and fireplace mantel. CRASH!!! Wishing you a mellow Monday, Debbie

Nimbostratusdweller said...

Alas and Alack would be great names for cats, maybe your cats! I couldn't help but see the humor in that wording...S