
March 20, 2011

Sand gardens

I have several sand gardens and I have a new container for another one. It's
One of those large red lacquered Japanese or Korean bathtubs. This one I have is very large and it's made of cedar.
The man where I got it said he had been selling them to soldiers to put ice and beer in. Hmm, no galvanized tubs?

So I have this plan developing for this table.

This blog, btw has functioned as a photo journal for a long time.
I haven't tried to establish long term relationships with bloggers. I have another blog that I do that a bit with, but it's usually designed to share with a few people only.

I have several kinds of information here that
I have shared freely, info on sleep apnea exercises for example. I hope I've helped someone out with that. I get a lot if hits on that. It is my most visited page. I'll have news to add to this area soon.

I've never been concerned that anyone looking to breathe better would comment. It's just info I used, and it helped, minimally.
I will post some information soon that may bring relief to many who suffer with closed or narrow airways. I simply don't want to post it until I've seen progress with the treatment I'm getting at this time.

Some change from concave to convex.

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