
August 10, 2006

A Never Ending Sea of Love

I intend to be free, I am freer today than I was yesterday, and freer that day than a year or two before.

Learning the dark is not so frightening is something I thought I had learned long ago, yet there are different forms of darkness.

Learning to grieve didn't come naturally to me, suppressing it was acceptable, my pain was not.

A woman is not encouraged to cry anymore, yet men have an open invitation.

When many were striving to learn to unstuff, I had to learn to stuff. Where was the mercy when I thought I needed it?

Dark nights are also of yearning souls, and I have been that one, unyielding in that I should have only light projected for others from the Holy source I'd met. My love I deemed inferior.

But yield I have finally done, become willing to learn from whatever is. Light or dark, infusion or hollow fear, It is all God.

I am relearning to pray. I am seeing my prayers are answered for a part of me I may never see.

I had thought that I was, me, so small, and only now am I truly seeing the whole truth, glimpsed once again, of an expanded being as large as life.

The mind, so dedicated to doubting has been shifted by a spark of wisdom, a small leak of information it cannot take apart; that my prayers are said for all of us as ONE, this night, and answered somewhere in a never ending sea of love.

Jerez 2006 (C) Thanks to you Inky for introducing me to hooponopono

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