
November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas...Tis the season!

Got pumpkin?

 Cookies and Frosty, where would Christmas be without them?

You can't have Christmas without Frosty The Snowman

 sweet cookies we make for holidays.. They are work!

 another angel

 Puddha loves the bird tree

 love my beeswax St Nick

 The real Rose tree is always spectacular

 The umbrella oriental tree is dazzling, first designed for a Chinese restaurant where I installed plants for my business (I put plants into Law firms, Banks and restaurants.) 
So I did their Christmas trees too..

 I decorate trees, and have professionally. 
And I make many ornaments as well.

 From San Miguel de Allende where I used to spend some of my time. 
Artist colony In Mexico

 This has been the treetop for ever, since the 70's on my trees

 One of my daughters,  Margaret made these in school years ago, she had angels playing all instruments...

October 14, 2014

Kubota Garden

Beauty Berry I think went undetected near the exit. 

A pathway through a garden untended...
There are a few meadows. Please, a round greenhouse for cultivating Kiku and in stages so people can learn how to do this themselves. 

Maple seeds that propel around the skies. 

Variegated Dogwood
Beauty Berry. Purple

October 07, 2014

Stehekin and Lake Chelan

Recent Adventure...
Into a beautiful remote location. 

Lake Chelan, Stehekin

 The DeHavilland

October 03, 2014


It's that time of year when spiders and goblins appear. Enjoy what is! 

Pacific Giant Pumpkin can grow to 1000 lbs

The vine covered more than 25' of garden space!


October 02, 2014

It's Pumpkin and Spider Time, Mushroom and Apple Cider Time and Time for Shakti to pay Another Visit Time

My dear friend from Italy, Shakti. 
She was here in the fall some years ago. 
We had so much fun. 
What a beautiful woman she is and such a nice photo. 
Shakti teaches meditation and non duality in Italy and other places. 
I miss you, come back!!

A Jewelers suzani. 
From the Silk Road. 

A pacific giant pumpkin. 
It didn't become giant though!

And a few shrooms in the yard. I think deer have been eating them. 

Thank you Shakti for the lovely pic
And sending you big hugs.