
Showing posts with label Turkey's of Laconner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Turkey's of Laconner. Show all posts

May 11, 2008

Turkey's Last week in LaConner

Just think, This might have been the National Bird.
Last time I was in LaConner they were lined up at the bakery early in the morning across from y hotel room, waiting for the bakery to open. These local yokels are famous around here.

Considering what America has become, I think the Turkey might have been a fitting National Bird. Maybe we should change birds with each Presidency, so they are at least reflect one another.

We could vote for the bird each year, after the elections, as a barometer of what the people really think of the presidency.
I nominate the turkey for this year's bird.

April 27, 2008

Tulips, @ Skagit Valley

Yesterday afternoon I drove to Laconner to see tulips, go to Christianson's and have an ice cream cone, eat dinner.

After standing in line for an oce cream cone for about an hour, I thought maybe I should open an ice cram cone place..
The line was way long.
I had maple nut, my usual, it was in a fresh waffle cone and was huge.

I enjoyed it but it made me late for Christianson's Nursery. I had only about 10 minutes to gather some impatiens and a new rhodie and some euonymous. ( I bought 3 different ones, a few miniatures, and a variegated)

Also I missed most tulips fields so I will go back, maybe one morning this week early if sunny for photos.
Later I had dinner by the river, and topped it all off with photographing local turkey's, and they gobbled at me. Was Funny, all males..

So it was a nice day, after all.
Today I planted some plants and made a bed almost ready for impatiens.

And I spoke with a good friend from Kentucky for hours. Yesterday too, another friend ( from VA), Kathy.

I can't tell you how much these long talks mean to me, or how much I would love to have my girlfriends nearby to camp with me or go scooting down the Oregon or WA coast, or just here for fun at my home, but we woudn't just stay here. We'd go to some amazing places.
Kathy just bought Dooleys talks,a nd is exicted about creating a new life..
We're gonna have fun!

I should remind Bebbie to get her passport. We could go to Victoria BC or Vancouver.

I think if either Kathy ot Beb came out , maybe they would be easily enticed into moving here to retire.
Surely we could then go to Italy for a trek. San Miguel De Allende for sure in Mexico.

So I'll try to post some tulips soon if the shots are ok, it was over cast by the time got to the fields.