
August 08, 2007

Verizon Wireless Sucks, Chris Crocker, would say,' Leave Sherry Alone!"

After all the trouble i had with Verizon Wireless this summer when I had a family emnergency, and they screwed me over, and I quit verizon, kept my same number, and got on with T Mobile, Verizon is still billing me, and says I owe them money, and I don't , and they have a problem, it's there problem, and they are making it my problem, and I still hate verizon with a purple passion, make it really passionate, Leave me alone Verizon, leave me alone. I'm gonna get my good friend Chris who did "Leave Courtney alone, " To tell Verizon to leave Sherry alone!
That does it, I'm writing Chris right now!
I'm going to make verizobn hate me as much as I hate Verizon!

Verizon,, Lets Pick on One Major American Corporation and show them what we can do!!!

Furthermore, if you must sign a contract with a new company to get a cell phone, do it for a year, pay the rest on the phone, never sign a contract again, so you can drop them at a whim, take back your power!

If you need a new phone, don't sign a contract to get one cheaper, buy one on Ebay at full price or at the store, because they only have power because we think we're getting somethng for almost free, ( a phone) which in reality they use to screw us with, and getting screwed by a phone is NO FUN!

We aren't helpless... if we take a stand.... Take this stand, show Corporate America what we 'little' Folks can do.. Forward this and don't buy Verizon.....don't re-sign if you're there, get a new provider, site this letter,

Site my Name, Sherry Stewart!!

Ok, this is my bitch with Verizon, at least for the sake of amusement, read on:

my attempt to deal with a Corporation out of control..

I thank you all for reading this in advance, and for telling your families / friends, etc. because you know what, this is the only way we'll ever be treated right, is if we take a stand.

I dicontinued my service ( as of 22nd) today, I will most likely disc. my DSL, for appropriate reasons of problems I have recently had with them ( no service for 11 days while they kept me on the phone to fix a problem that as it turned out, and I knew, was on their end of the equasion)

My phone service? well I'll see what I can dø, but Verizon is the phone CO here...

As few of you know, I had a trip planned, that turned into a family emergency. I needed more minutes, so I called my "provider" and I was told that I had to sign a contract to get those. ( now on the phone I am told that wasn't the I was lied to)..

I dropped my phone, it was still working, (hardly, but working) so I told them if I had to sign a contract, I wanted a new phone ..

They tried to sell me a 2 years contract, ( on what you pay when you think you get a cheap phone )
I told them," nø way, I am a no contract person... "

But I had to contract to get my minutes, so I took a one year, and option to pay more for my phone.
I received not one phone , but 2 phones, and the phone I kept I had no rebate certificate inside box to help with phone costs as promised.)

Of course, I had to, during a family emergency, run around looking for a UPS store to drop this second phone they sent me.

It gets weirder..

I told them' obviously' where I was, because they had to send the phone there, and I couldn't get my minutes texted to me from outside their service area.

I was assured that I could call an 800 number and have my new phone activated, I tired 5 times to activate my new phone, once from the office of Alltell In Branson MO. I was finally told they couldn't activate it outside their service area!

So here I was with a broken phone anyway, a new bill for $467.78 and no way to use my new phone.


... they never upped my minutes and plan, only sent me phones, and made me sign a contract. My 900 minutes wasn't even recorded , so now I was about 400 minutes over my contract rate..

Nice, huh? 400 minutes at 25 cents a minute. plas..hmm? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Doesn't it just make ya feel warm and fuzzy? lol

My CS man was great, from Olympia WA, not Mexico this time, and so patient.. helpful, but here is the deal. He was giving me 1100 minutes over 60 days, also, said I would get a new rebate, I asked what should be included, because before I was told I only had to send the rebate. he said, no, the UPC code from the box was necessary..

Well, I said I don't have the box, I don't keep boxes I accumulate when I am traveling. Do ¥øu, I asked?

He said I would have to call Motorola... hysterica, now.... lol

Getting.. absurd? lol

Well, so in the end, I said, look, forget it, I hate Verizon, and I never wanna hear that name again, except I said, I will use the same amountof time to fight back, that I have spent with Verizon CS getting screwed.
Furthermore I told him, You're nice, but you just tell Verizon that I singlehandedly had ALL 'Air Touch' phones taken out of a major PNW drug store chain (Bartell's) some years ago ( my first cell phone)

( Believe me, they were shocked.....calling me, asking what they could do to make it up to me, and I said, there is absolutely nothing you can do

~maybe I'm not suppossed to have one~
~maybe no one is~

I said, " I am a fighter, I will take a stand, I will blog this and blog this, and blog this, because Corp America needs all the opposition they can handle.

I will write the FCC, I will send e-mails, I will do my best to put a dent in a major corporation that has entirely too much power. That is my promise to Verizon. They lied to me, they sent me 2 phones and couldn't activate even ONE of them, and didn't up my plan incompetent are they?

( or should I say aren't they?)

They F______ don't care how they get you as a customer, how they treat you, and it isn't their CS people, it is Verizon the Corporation, and Corporation's have NO conscience.

So, Please, blog this, pass it onto any other sites you use, mail it in letters you forwards, don't use Verizon, and tell your friends not to..

Furthermore, if you must sign a contract with a new company to get a cell phone, do it for a year, pay the rest on the phone, never sign a contract again, so you can drop them at a whim, take back your power!

If you need a new phone, don't sign a contract to get one cheaper, buy one on Ebay at full price or at the store, because they only have power because we think we're getting somethng for almost free, ( a phone) which in reality they use to screw us with, and getting screwed by a phone is NO FUN!

This is true for every provider, be it, Sprint ( for 5 years I paid 10.00 a month more to not sign a contract) Then at end I found out they shouldn't have charged me that after a year, no refund..

All phone companies are nasty corporations that we allow to screw us, because we want a free phone, well, there is an old saying, There is no such thing as a free lunch, well guess, want?

There is no such thing as a Free Phone, either!

Please copy /paste this and publish it anywhere you like...thank you..

Next my letter to the FCC.

PS. in the end, all I got as recompense is some extra minutes for this month before I leave Verizon...

We aren't helpless... if we take a stand.... Take this stand, show Corporate America what we 'little' Folks can do.. Forward this and don't buy Verizon.....don't re-sign if you're there, get a new provider, site this letter,

Site my Name, Sherry Stewart!!

They'll love me!!! lol

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