
August 12, 2006

Lets all make a solitary fantasy of peace reigning...

If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy
can totally transform one million realities.
- Maya Angelou -

Lets all make a solitary fantasy of peace reigning...

Begin with hearts melting, memories fading, forgetting why they want to cause pain, forgetting their own pain, let it be gone, in every soul, let the pain go, let it be gone, it is done..

Continue with greed ending, the fear that creates from greed, it is dissolving, it is turning from greed into love as we speak, People experience it, but don't know why, but are grateful...glad, have waited so long for it to encompass them, to fill them , and to return it to others...

Those with more suddenly shun having so much, and their hearts are moved to share, and to dispense love is all they want, it's all they know, The mind shuts down, the great mind of the collective pain of mankind, and supreme love flows, now is flowing, into every heart, like a river so strong it can't be stopped, Like a hurricane of love, that drowns out every fear, and every disease, every parched and broken heart.

The world is transforming as we speak, it is morphing into pure love that flows, flows and flows, we don't have to will it, it carries us, because in every heart is is already desired, known, craved, it has just been misplaced by fear of not having it.
Let is move, let it recreate, let it be, let it be..

(c) 2006 Jerez

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