
January 08, 2006

Back in Washington..finally.....maybe just for a short stint...

A particulary interesting message from Bebbie including this quote from Joseph Campbell. Thank you Beb!

"Give it a few minutes, Hon, and things will change." Bebbie

"So yield to what is coming. We're in a free fall into future. We don't know where we're going. Things are changing so fast and always when you're going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along.

"And all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. I mean it's a very interesting shift of
perspective, and that's all it is. Joyful participation in the sorrows
and everything changes."

I have so much to share with you all, but it may take a bit for me to get around to it. For now, let me post some beautiful swan photos from my stay in MO.

1 comment:

lynn said...

Hi, Sherry, I love your swan photos. Thanks for the Joseph Campbell quote, too. So true. A change of perspective changes the world!

Yes, taking joy in the sorrows, is an oxymoran, but the only way to participate with equanimity and peace. Compassion is my new passion.

Thanks, again, for your kind comment on my profile. You are so dear. I will have to look yours up now, again, also.
