
January 23, 2006

ABRACADABRA,"“I will create as I speak”"

[Q] From Speranza Spiratos: “Can you shed some magical clarity on the word abracadabra please?”


[A] Let me wave my wand ... Ah, a brief sputter, then nothing. It seems the origin isn’t known for certain.
These days it’s just a joking conjuror’s incantation with no force behind it, like hocus pocus and other meaningless phrases. But the word is extremely ancient and :
*go to the site to see this*

However, it seems likely that abracadabra is older and that it derives from one of the Semitic languages “I will create as I speak”.
The source is three Hebrew words, ab (father), ben (son), and ruach acadosch (holy spirit).
It’s from the Chaldean abbada ke dabra, meaning “perish like the word”.
It originated with a Gnostic sect in Alexandria called the Basilidians and was probably based on Abrasax, the name of their supreme deity (Abraxas in Latin sources).

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