
October 13, 2005

Reflections on friends....Linda

Linda is my talented astrology friend. She is an Aquarian, like me. sharp woman, very sharp, and she knows a lot. She can be the most wonderful person, and yet she can make people so mad with her aggressiveness.
But I always have to love her!

She is quite aware that she can be very aggressive, and controlling. I like it when I can actually have a disagreement with a friend and get angry, and still know we will be friends. In fact I think that disagreements are part of any relationship with any depth, importance, or ability to be considered friendship.

It is particularly easy with her. I admit sometimes I have to back off for a while because I just think she might need to find another friend besides me. She knows that I will take her criticism, ...for a bit. Then I have enough, and seek space. That is fine with me. So I enjoy her as long as it is enjoyable, draw a line, and then later resume the friendship. we always enjoy seeing one another, and can relate very well having some things so much in common as airy Aquarians.

My partner is an Aquarian as well, unstructured, and a total flake! He is precious, an angel in many ways, in other ways, he is a narcissist, unable to empathize with me at all, because life is all about him. He is controlling in a way that is just plain devious! And unlike Linda, he is completely unaware of his devices. He is like a big puppy, and the kind of person everyone likes, but who no one really knows. He is shallow in his relationships, knowing just what to say about the weather, but can't go much deeper than that with anyone but me. I am his best and only friend. He relates to women, not to men. He is a big lug, but when I met him, he had a Gods body, and I was quite taken by his great legs.

This relationship is real solid! HAHA!

Oh well, it is what it is, He drives me nuts, I drive him nuts! I am completely tired of him, but we hike together, travel together, spend most of our time together, Gawd! I need a break!

I can't say this relationship is going to last. I want major changes, and he is not about to change, he has always been flakey, of course, he always will be. He won't make any kind of healthy changes for himself or us, and I see this as spiraling downwards, and I can do nothing about it, except leave, and I will if I must.

We are basically friends now, not much more than that. He can laugh at anything I say to him, a big improvement over my previous husband, who just couldn't laugh at any of my jokes, of course they had some truth to them, jokes aren't funny without an element of truth. He passed them out, but couldn't take it back.

I was with him forever, and it was a total mismatch, there was nothing there! I still have no idea who he is, he is truly from a completely other planet than me, and although he speaks English, it may as well be Pleadian, there was not one moments understanding between us, not one! And further more, I don't think anyone he would be involved with would ever speak his language, he hides himself completely. Acts like Joe Cool, but who the hell is he? Does anybody know?

This friend thing began yesterday when I wrote about a friend from my past, then I visited Linda yesterday, and we had a great visit, as usual. I guess it provided food for thought concerning friends, what they are about, and aren't about, who I am, and who I am not. I am sure my friends would have a few choice things to say about me as well! Yikes!

Smiling now, ~ we aren't perfect are we?

Just received an e-mail from Linda, a note about yesterday, an opportunity to barter some of my work for some of her work, We do that a lot! Thank you Linda, for being my friend, too!

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