
April 01, 2005

Beauty to me....

Daisy Andrews,Daisy Andrews, Lumpu Lumpu, acrylic on canvas cotton. 1950 .00 $aud. 13beauty has always struck a simple chord in my heart, most of my life I have been holding one desire abover all others, to live with people who are what we refer to as primitive. Simple, spiritual people, who know things we don't because we intellectualize too much, don't trust our ability to know, to intuit.

Maybe Ken Ford is as close as I have come to being in a place that meets that dream of beauty, life. My interest in so piqued that I am that close to one who is living that way. I knew Ken was one that knew aboriginal ways, and I am facinated that he says he is so glad he came thre. I can't wait, simply cannot wait to hear what he is going to share with me about the beauty of that experience. It gives me chill bumps all over just waiting to hear his stories. What a miracle we connected again!

He has sent art work to me and I to him, and we exchanged postcards, letters, nd photos, some years ago, but mostly online writing. Always the unexpected letter or packet made my heart skip a beat. It is so good to receive letters from around the world! I am just delighted!

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