
August 17, 2023

For Starters, The Mountain

                 Meteor showers early Sunday morning 

       Views of a mountain awakening by the rise of the sun. 

                     Little Tahoma 

August 10, 2023

On my mind. In my heart. Laughter too.

My dear friends art. He’s quite a special friend and person. 
Living in Israel. Just been thinking about him a lot lately. Hoping he can keep going with his art. He’s been very busy. I’d like to buy some work of his. He said I could have anything for free. But I’d like to pay him. Still even stopping to package something for me is asking too much now I think. I’ve known him since about 2005. He’s from NYC. 
A very gifted person. Writer, visual artist. Humanitarian. 

Where Turk TV and movies  are enjoyed when I have time for that. Normally I’m studying and writing 
About textiles and art on the Silk Roads and doing all the catalogue work needing done. 
Photographing, documenting, and meeting deadlines. 

July 09, 2023

Deception Pass

A recent divergence with my nature photos, (which thankfully, speak for themselves), I’ve been prompted to make some reels on Meta, and to some I’ve added my new, Parts of Poems and my old, 2006 Thinking out Soft to these. The latter are still under going the process to suit the media which is restrictive in many ways so far as my needs are concerned anyway. 

So I’m going to post a photo here of an excursion to the Island last weekend. 

And a reel if my poor Comcast connection will cooperate. Lately it has not. CDP may not approve of my reel. If so I’ll take them to Cloudhidden or and or Thinking out Soft I or II. 

This is, a City Daily Photo

A reel. 

July 05, 2023

Parts of Poems

Parts of Poems is a new art work that is evolving and dates back to Thinking Out Soft, an old blog. I many old blogs. You see, I was writing html in blog design. Many of these were incorporated into Blogger and Then Google. 
So I was, I confess, not so interested in blogging as I was, designing 
Things have been set up here in blogs as well as on FBook etc that are now more broadly designed to complete art works. 
Parts of Poems has just been introduced and I hope Meta will be bright enough to expand this potential with reels. 
Here’s another 

I’m going to see if this works...

 I’ll post a reel I’ve made and maybe it will open. Let’s see..

If this works I’ll add some more. Longer ones with photos. 

May 31, 2023

Return from Winthrop, photos

A nice pre - Memorial Day excursion to Diablo Lake and to Twisp and Winthrop. Beautiful weather, sights and sounds of Puddhas Pond. My beloved cat. Rests here by the cattails. 
A wild but gentle world. 

April 22, 2023

February 13, 2023

Sunsets at the beach

Just back from the snow will post some later of the Icicle River in Leavenworth. So now nice sunsets.