
April 05, 2020

Writing, reading, social media, Resurrection, pruning, preparing food, talking with friends and family, wishing everyone a contemplative peaceful time.

Corona Virus has hit the world head on and it's a concern for everyone. We have family and friends we can't see and it's a time to go for peace and not project a bunch of stuff.
Just take it easy.
Listen to Anna RF on YouTube.
My favorite is, Why?

Video in the Alps by these great musicians from Israel. They often record in nature. They live in the desert.
They're my tribe.
I can tell.

I'm communicating with friends around the world. Old and new.
Art is always burgeoning around me.

Watching Resurrection on Netflix. 600 episodes.
A marvel.
Great acting historical, about nomads clearing a path to the state of Turkey.

You can't go back to Hollywood if you were there though. Or foreign for the most part even though I'm a foreign and independent film lover.
This is a new genre in itself.

Seriously Resurrection though, filmed in an exquisite way.
Slow motion. Interesting use of music. People with feelings, Psychos. Lots of sword fights. Weddings. No sex scenes. I'm glad.
So far as psychos I really didn't know they were so common place, but now I know. It's a rude awakening. Trust me.
Liars, manipulators, people who prey on others. People who are truly demented and desperate and can't see it. They do project it in others Creepy people.
This tv series has it all that too, really, stab you in the back characterization. Yes it's out there.

Wise men with beautiful stories and
Calm demeanors. Yes there are those like that too. Yurts, Suzanis, rug makers, you name it. Don't miss this series. Perfect for our time.

Enjoying and seeing life through a different lens. Hoping everyone is.
Calm down. Do what's good. Make your amends. Be honest with yourselves.

Have a restful Easter.

The Cherry tree, Yoshino, I call it cloud blossom as of today. Making sand drawings. Checking out the new growth of spring daily.

January 04, 2020