
February 24, 2015

Spring comes soon.. We've had some sun...

Roses indoors are nice. 
As a gift even better. 

Suzani, hand embroidery in silk. 
Peppers. Bukhara. 
Nice bright colors for dreary days. 
This one has nice movement in the design. 

The large Samarkand detail...( below)
One dial that reverberates like the sun. 
The entire suzani is very large. Maybe 14'x 27'
I never measured. It fits the wall very well though. 
Silk Road dowry items
I so appreciate the work made by these women for their daughters. 

Soon a lost art. I'll hope to have these in a museum for all to see and learn of this culture. 
The daisy like flower is blue. 
When you walk into this room, this suzani seems to vibrate like the Suns rays. It has 8 large medallions like this.
You can see the impact of the design around the center of the dial in ted, white and black and sense even in this one sundial the energetic movement I speak of. 

February 04, 2015

Last year I was finally able to fix the water problem naturally....

I love it when my ideas are right on. 
Einstein said none of his came from logical thinking. For some of us thoughts come from air. 
We don't need to engineer grand themes when simple beautiful solutions are kind of no brainers. Yet all over the world things get done the hard way. The brutal way, forcing things to bend to mans will. 

At any rate this little garden is the fix for springs that took water under the house. 

I filled in soil conditioner and built a small pond. Estimates to fix this ranged from 8,000.00 up! 

I always trust myself. (Mostly:) 

Money makers always take the hard, expensive path with no beauty to show for it. 

Here is the little garden. 
No flooding this year. 

I look forward to its resurgence come spring. There will be some changes and tweaks. 

January 27, 2015

MT Baker and Mukilteo Ferry

This is a few blocks from home. 
One of the many ferries. One of the many volcanoes is further away but can be seen from home sweet home. 
( if it's a clear day).,

The ferry runs from Mukilteo to Whidbey Island. 

It's time for a jaunt to the island I think. 
Although their record probably hasn't changed of setting up speed traps in confusing places where speed limits change rapidly in close proximity to one another and per usual Washington has a lot of signage competing with speed limit signs which are very small. 

Oregon, on the other hand has clear signage and huge speed limit signs. You'd think Washington wants people to get tickets!!

Maybe I won't go after all. 
Too bad for merchants in the island that 
Visitors are taken advantage of. 

December 14, 2014

The Christmas Season

Many wishes for joy!

The fisher angel in cowboy boots a wonderful gift from my friend Dorothy. 
Below she shares space with the cow..

The bull and crow among other creatures under the tree. 

December 05, 2014

Soup Time

Using few ingredients left before shopping..
My own Pacific Giant squash
Curry Powder
Hot pepper flakes
Udon noodles

Really clears the sinuses...

I think cauliflower 
And coconut oil would be nice with this too. 
Baby Bok Choy is always delicious.